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Dirk Spilker has been taking on management responsibilities for over 25 years, focusing on transforming companies and business models with an emphasis on growth, value creation, and sustainability. He hails from a renowned German consultancy and serves as a recognized specialist in marketing, digitalization, and innovation. Dirk supports international corporations, mid-sized hidden champions, and family businesses in their strategic realignment, the execution of complex transformation programs and digitalization initiatives, as well as the establishment of strategic innovation management. In doing so, he operates in both traditional project leadership roles and line functions such as CDO, CMO, CXO, or Innovation Executive. Clients particularly appreciate his strong leadership and coaching skills in the integrative implementation of changes with heterogeneous and multinational teams. Industry expertise includes management consulting, telecommunications, energy, personnel services, IT, engineering, and manufacturing.

Zur Startseite Field of Experience

  • 20 years of international portfolio, program, and project management experience
  • Branding, Marketing, and Communication, Customer Experience
  • Innovation Management and Business Development
  • Digital Transformation up to Digital Business Models
  • Sustainability Management
  • Ability to lead tasks and teams to agreed-upon goals
  • Trusted Advisor to Executive Boards and Supervisory Boards

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