- The incumbent was appointed at short notice to the Executive Board of the holding company
- Initiatives already launched ran the risk of being delayed
- Management style based on targets, solutions expertise and own initiatives to be introduced
- Existing silo mentality was to be dispelled and translated into integrative processes
- Operational management and realization of sales and EBIT forecast
- Continuation of change process initiated (Journey 2020)
- Organization and management of leadership workshops,
- follow-up of most important initiatives (processes, pricing, delivery performance)
- Implementation of reorganization and filling of vacancies
- Sales at forecast level,
- EBIT approx. 20% above expectations
- Introduction of target-setting agreements/regular feedback sessions
- Process organization redefined, test processes planned and largely implemented
- Departmental targets, KPIs and measures defined with department managers
- Vacancies filled
Numbers and Facts
Measurable Success of the taskforce Interim-Manager
50 Sales in € million
200 Employees
1-2 Customer satisfaction
(in grades)
(in grades)
4 Months