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Energy providers and disposal companies

Energy providers and disposal companies

Energy providers and disposal companies

Efficiently and sustainably safeguard energy supply

The European energy landscape is facing fundamental transition. For example, nuclear energy in Germany is set to be replaced gradually by efficient gas and coal-fired power plants, and regenerative energies. At the same time, climate discussions remain the key driver behind change, the results of which must be measured by whether the CO2 goals are met. The infrastructure measures, market consolidations and technical innovations (the digital transformation in particular) associated with the transition are offering companies and investors a diversity of opportunities and veritable growth potential.




You are searching for an experienced manager with excellent management skills for this area? Please contact us!

+49 89 588 0430-00
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Examples of taskforce projects in Energy Providers and Disposal Companies:

  • Optimization of workflow organization and IT management
  • Establishing of IT controlling
  • Program management of digital transformation for a parent group of an energy provider
  • Project management for Sustainable City Solution
  • Management of IT outsourcing
  • CIO on Group level

Recent Case Studies

Overview Case Studies
 IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

Set-up of the "Unified Inbound Communications" Business Unit to protect the company's own business model in destination countries, and realization of customer projects
Start-up of an IT corporation
Digital Transformation
Program & Project Management, Sales
 Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Analysis of the entire situation, design and specific planning of a realization road map for the refocusing of the company, as well as the active implementation and operational control of the designed measures
Pixelboxx GmbH
Digital Transformation
General Management, Information Technology

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