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Health Care and Life Science

Health Care and Life Science

Health Care and Life Science

Render possible quality and efficiency

In the health sector, innovative solutions are sought which render possible and safeguard in equal measure high quality of supply and efficient value-add processes. Digital technologies offer enormous potential for increases in quality and performance, networked collaboration and value-adding data management on the basis of Big Data applications. For hospitals, insurance companies, clinics and pharmaceutical & medical companies, successful management of these opportunities will become the decision competitive factor.


You are searching for an experienced manager with excellent management skills for this area? Please contact us!

+49 89 588 0430-00
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Examples of taskforce projects in Health Care and Life Sciences:

  • Interim CEO as stop-gap for vacancy
  • Establishing and management of a war room following a failed IT rollout with complete outage of production
  • Creation of transparent structures and processes, and introduction of IT systems in the financial sector for a growing start-up
  • Creation of transparency, company growth and strategic positioning
  • Establishing of a sales management system
  • Temporary assumption of marketing management position
  • Executive committee for supply chain, including production

Recent Case Studies

Overview Case Studies
 IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

Set-up of the "Unified Inbound Communications" Business Unit to protect the company's own business model in destination countries, and realization of customer projects
Start-up of an IT corporation
Digital Transformation
Program & Project Management, Sales
 Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Analysis of the entire situation, design and specific planning of a realization road map for the refocusing of the company, as well as the active implementation and operational control of the designed measures
Pixelboxx GmbH
Digital Transformation
General Management, Information Technology

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