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Holding companies

Holding companies

Holding companies

Safeguard and systematically increase values

Investors pursuing a substantial increase in value of their portfolio companies are seeking targeted, operative support for their private equity teams from top-class managers. International management experience and financial expertize are just as much high expectations in this field for clients as excellent management and communication skills. Restructuring experience is a “must” to systematically raise hidden potential.


You are searching for an experienced manager with excellent management skills for this area? Please contact us!

+49 89 588 0430-00
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Examples of taskforce projects in Holding Companies:

  • Assumption of operative management functions in all C-level areas
  • Project and program management, e.g. for spin-off, carve-out/in and post-merger integration
  • Optimization of finance management
  • Introduction of integrated planning and reporting systems
  • Implementation of operative programs to increase levels of performance and cash flow
  • Operative and financial restructuring (IDW S6)

Recent Case Studies

Overview Case Studies
 IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

IT security – "Merkel's mobile"

Set-up of the "Unified Inbound Communications" Business Unit to protect the company's own business model in destination countries, and realization of customer projects
Start-up of an IT corporation
Digital Transformation
Program & Project Management, Sales
 Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Intelligent/partially autonomous data evaluation

Analysis of the entire situation, design and specific planning of a realization road map for the refocusing of the company, as well as the active implementation and operational control of the designed measures
Pixelboxx GmbH
Digital Transformation
General Management, Information Technology

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